Wild hearted being
The world needs the gifts of your wild heart! It really does.
There is a great healing capacity in all humans, which is being opened up in this great time of change.
It is by doing our individual healing, self work and remembering our sacred, that we can then bring deep and lasting change in our world.
This is because as HSPs we care so deeply about the world, but our sensitive nature is impacted by the modern world.
By doing this work we resource ourselves and free the gifts of our wild hearts.
Trust me, you HAVE these gifts.
In the healing is the way
While we feel lost, alone, stuck, like we don’t belong and like we don’t know what to do…
We are in fact in fertile ground for healing and growth, right where we need to be.
But to see that we have to first connect to the deep reserves of spiritual help that are in and all around us.
The doorway to getting the help you need…
is spiritual practice.
Spiritual awareness is alone not enough to help; it may even be a hindrance. Intellectual understanding is not enough. Yes, occasional spiritual practice or retreats can be really important stepping stones.
But to truly get the help you need as a HSP is to weave your life around spiritual practice.
Each day that you practice with intention and honesty, you tend a sacred fire. This fire of practice awakens your energy, awakens your spirit, awakens your true nature.
If you’re inspired and feel ready for more, please take this free guide below.
Blessings on your way wildhearted being,
Sally Carmichael
5 Heart Won Principles for Starting a Spiritual Practice for Wild Hearted People
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